View Full Version : Whad does he have? (bulge above eyes)

06-30-2015, 02:13 AM
Hi all!
Sorry to bother, but I was hoping I would have been able to find some answers to my questions from more experienced hamster lovers.
Poro is my first one, (Dwarf Russian) and since a month or so, he has been developing some sort of bulgy spots above its eyes, where the eyelashes should be basically. Initially it was only one eye, then it became both of them and reduced a bit over the time. Four days ago I've noticed it increasing on one eye and got worried and taken him to the vet. However I got the impression she had no idea what it could be. Thinking it might be some sort of infection she put him on antibiotics (Baytril) to be taken twice daily. However he does not seem to be getting better after 4 days of treatment, and I was wondering whether anyone had come across it?
She mentioned the possibility of a tumour, but quickly rejected it due to the bulge being present on both eyes.
I would really appreciate if anyone had any suggestion on how to help him.
He is fine otherwise, his usual active self, however I have seen him blinking a bit more on his left eye. 31698


07-01-2015, 07:19 AM
Hi Elekottera, it looks a little bit like a cyst or a stye to me (so like a little infection around his eyes). Baytril should help with that and hopefully the swelling may simply go down by itself over time... I think dwarfs are fairly prone to problems with their eyes but my worry would be if it's occurring on both eyes then something else might be causing it. Can I ask what type of substrate or bedding do you use? Pine wood shavings can have resins in that aren't good for hamsters and certain brands of wood shavings in general contain very fine particles of wood or dust which could be upsetting your Poro's eyes. If his substrate is too dusty this could be what is causing him to blink more but then he could be blinking simply out of discomfort from having the swelling around his eyes...

07-01-2015, 08:57 AM
Hi Elekottera. Your hamster looks to have what are known as eyelid abscesses. These can occur due to infection, or it could be genetic. The vet needs to look again. Baytril is fine, but these growths can grow bigger and prevent the hamster`s eye from opening. It would be a good idea to monitor the size of the lumps over the week ahead and if the get any bigger, I would ask a better vet to decide if they require surgical removal and then drops applied. Some vets just either don`t have a clue or try antibiotics in the hope they work. They may do, but my guess is these may need surgical intervention.

Welcome to the forum by the way. x