View Full Version : Challenging few weeks. Ugh!

06-23-2015, 08:02 AM
I picked up my dwarf hammy, Candy yesterday and felt a hard lump around her chest area. Checked again today, and deffo a mass/lump that feels hard. The lump is the size of a pea.
Just lost my female Syrian on Friday..:/.

Candy is 17.5 months old, and had a vet check, about 3 weeks ago, for injured legs.. Vet checked her for lumps, and no lumps were found, so the lump developed over the course of 3 weeks.

Are tumors typically "hard" to the touch? How common is it for dwarfs to get cancer/tumors?

I don't think she would make it through a surgery, due to her age..

06-23-2015, 08:14 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss and I hope that Candy will be fine.

I don't know much about it, but I've read that the different dwarfhamsters are keen to different health issues, so it might help to know what kind of dwarfhamster you have.

Again I really hope that it is nothing. - but I would suggest taking her to the vet

06-23-2015, 08:22 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss and I hope that Candy will be fine.

I don't know much about it, but I've read that the different dwarfhamsters are keen to different health issues, so it might help to know what kind of dwarfhamster you have.

Again I really hope that it is nothing. - but I would suggest taking her to the vet

Thank you, for your reply.. Candy is a WW hybrid. She is eating and drinking fine, was on metacam for pain, due to her legs..a few weeks ago.

She doesn't appear to be in pain, currently..

She was making a squeal sound and had nipped me, ( which she's never done, before), due to pain in her legs, and I've had her since she was 4 weeks old- took her to the vet, and her gait was not right.. Vet gave pain meds, but she finished the meds a few weeks ago.

06-23-2015, 08:44 AM
I'm really sorry to hear you've been having such a worrying time with Candy especially after losing Teddie.
I don't know a huge amount about tumours but I do know they can grow fast so it is possible that's what it is, it doesn't sound too serious at the moment if she's ok in other respects but I guess only a vet can tell you exactly what it is for sure. Even though she may not make it through surgery with age & size against her it might still be worth a vet check, if you know what you're dealing with it would help & if it is nothing to serious at least it will put your mind at rest.
I really hope she's going to be ok, fingers crossed for you.

06-23-2015, 04:10 PM
I'm really sorry to hear you've been having such a worrying time with Candy especially after losing Teddie.
I don't know a huge amount about tumours but I do know they can grow fast so it is possible that's what it is, it doesn't sound too serious at the moment if she's ok in other respects but I guess only a vet can tell you exactly what it is for sure. Even though she may not make it through surgery with age & size against her it might still be worth a vet check, if you know what you're dealing with it would help & if it is nothing to serious at least it will put your mind at rest.
I really hope she's going to be ok, fingers crossed for you.

Candy will be seen by the vet Thursday.

Candy & Teddie have lived a great life, which helps me cope with my hamsters passing.. :)

Hopefully the lump is not serious, and she has more time..


06-24-2015, 12:45 AM
Good luck at the vets xxx

06-30-2015, 06:40 AM
How did Candy get on at the vet Teddy?
I hope the news was good & she's ok but if not I hope you're coping ok having such a tough time of it with the hams.

07-14-2015, 07:11 PM
It's been hectic with lots of changes, with my hammily.
Cypher, Candy is in her forever sleep. There were 2 large masses by her chest area, and fur on her side had fallen out, skin red and inflamed.
Vet thinks Cushings.. Candy was clearly uncomfortable, and it was only a matter of short time, vet said. Kindest thing to do was have her go peacefully.
That same day, vet called asked if I'd be interested in taking in 2 hamsters that were dropped off at the vet clinic.
My heart was broken from losing Candy, and Teddie a few weeks prior, but the 2 hamsters need a home, so I agreed, and I have had them for 4 days.
A Winter White dwarf hybrid, And the other is a robo. I've stayed up almost all night setting up 2 cages. I wasn't prepared to bring home 2 hamsters, so soon.

Both hamsters were in tiny Critter trail cages, with nothing in the cages, except food dish, water bottle, tiny house and wheels too small that would not spin.
Both hammys are adjusting to their new homes. I'll post a new thread with photo's and vid of my new comers. :)

Thin Lizzy
07-14-2015, 08:45 PM
So sorry for your loss of Candy.
What a terrible time you've had lately.
Good on you for giving the 2 hams a home with you, the vet obviously knew how much you loved and cared for Teddie & Candy and knew the WW & Robo would be in good hands with you.
You've got a heart of gold Teddy.

07-14-2015, 11:02 PM
I'm so sorry about Candy Teddy, poor little girl, it's so sad & hard to lose one but so soon after losing Teddie this must have been especially hard for you.

It's really good of you to take on the two new little ones when they needed a new home, I'm sure they're going to have wonderful lives with you & I'm really looking forward to hearing more about them both.

07-15-2015, 05:35 AM
So sorry for your loss of Candy.
What a terrible time you've had lately.
Good on you for giving the 2 hams a home with you, the vet obviously knew how much you loved and cared for Teddie & Candy and knew the WW & Robo would be in good hands with you.
You've got a heart of gold Teddy.

Thank you, Lizzy xx

I am okay, and will cherish the fond memory's of both Teddie & Candy.
I know they would have wanted me to help the 2 hammys that were dropped off at the vet clinic.

I have 3 furbabies, Zeke ( Syrian), Jessie ( dwarf) & Kiwi ( robo) ;)..

07-15-2015, 05:44 AM
I'm so sorry about Candy Teddy, poor little girl, it's so sad & hard to lose one but so soon after losing Teddie this must have been especially hard for you.

It's really good of you to take on the two new little ones when they needed a new home, I'm sure they're going to have wonderful lives with you & I'm really looking forward to hearing more about them both.

Thanks, Cypher.. Both are at peace, and I have loads of good memories:(xx
I don't know the ages of the two I just adopted, although both seem very active.
The robo spins in circles.. I'm having the vet check her over, to rule out ear infection.. I'm thinking she may have neurological condition.
I'll post a vid of her circling. She will teach me a lot, I'm sure. lol
The dwarf, ( Jessie) I'm tying to teach him how to build a nest.. He doesn't know how.. He was kept in such a tiny cage, for over a year, with no opportunity to burrow, and slept in an empty wooden box. Jessie & Kiwi are the first hamsters I've adopted, due to I've not seen hamsters up for adoption in shelters, or classified ads in my area. X

07-15-2015, 05:49 AM
They all teach us a lot I think! I really hope your little robo doesn't have a neurological problem & it is just something like an infection that can be treated.
That's so sad about Jessie, I'm sure he'll catch on with a bit of help from you & soon be doing all the hamster things he's missed out on.
Sounds as though are keeping you busy one way or another!

07-15-2015, 12:46 PM
Oh No! I am so sorry to see that you have lost Teddi and Candy! I've been off for a while and didn't know. :-( How amazing of you to take these two in. I think Teddie and Candy would approve. They know these new ones are in good hands. {hugs} to you Teddy. Play well at the Bridge Teddi & Candy. :-(

07-15-2015, 02:24 PM
So sorry to hear about Candy and Teddie, so pleased that you have taken in two new little ones, look forward to hearing more about them. Play well at the bridge Candy and Teddy hugs to you xxxxx

07-17-2015, 02:41 PM
I am so sorry for your loss of your two hammies.. At least they had a great life with you and were loved till the end...

...and isn't the life strange? You lost two little furry babies and you gained two...

....everything happens for a reason... x

Thin Lizzy
07-18-2015, 03:15 AM
So totally agree Katmick about everything happening for a reason.