View Full Version : Dwarf scent glands

06-18-2015, 07:05 AM
I just had to clean Lunar's scent gland since it had an orange crust to it, and it had swelled a little. I made up some warm salt water and got a q-tip, I managed to clean off the orange stuff I even squeezed it a bit which made stuff come out of it. Lunar kept chewing at my shirt at intervals possibly from frustration, but at least he wasn't biting my fingers I guess he knew I was trying to help.

I checked Tank over too but he screeched at me because of it, I gave him a small clean up as he didn't much doing.

Is there anything else I need to do other than keep an eye on it for infection? Or does he need a vet trip? Looks a lot cleaner now and its all cleared up, Lunar even started to groom the area. He also spat his cheek pouch contents at me every time I tried to clean his gland, like that would put me off or something.

06-19-2015, 01:01 AM
Anyone have any advice, answers?

06-19-2015, 01:54 AM
As far as I know you're doing all you need to do just keeping it clean, once you've done it he'll probably keep it clean himself, I think they do get a bit blocked sometimes but just keep an eye on it in case there's an infection & it'll probably be fine.
Emptying pouches is usually a sign of fear so I guess the poor little guy didn't enjoy it too much!

06-19-2015, 02:41 AM
I checked him over today since he was up and chewing on something, I looked at his gland its not swollen anymore and its not red either. In fact it looks very healthy and clean now, Lunar even clicked his teeth as he ran all over me and his ears were even up. From that I believe he feels a lot better than he did before. I don't think he did enjoy it I did my best to keep him still without hurting him while I cleaned his gland, he kept spitting his pouch contents at me then chewing my shirt when I gave him a little break. He's a lot better today and happy!

06-19-2015, 06:32 AM
Aww bless! Quite a little character lol! glad he's better & happier!

06-24-2015, 02:02 AM
I'm keeping watch now, but so far all good.

06-28-2015, 02:49 PM
I cleaned his gland again but he got a little rough with himself when cleaning, managed to bite himself making himself bleed. I cleaned up the blood it didn't bleed much, since I'm having to clean his gland regularly now I will keep an eye on his bite.