View Full Version : Testicle Tumour!

06-12-2015, 02:53 PM
Hi I'm back again with another thing on Richard! So I've noticed after doing another health check and making sure that he hasn't got a blocked bum that one of his testicles is slightly swollen, it's quite squishy but definitely bigger than the other one. He doesn't seem to mind it when I touch it like he doesn't try to bite me or anything. He's still running on his wheel happily and eating and drinking. I don't know if it's a tumour or something a little less serious. PLEASE HELP!!!!!![-o<

06-19-2015, 02:15 PM
take him to the vets as soon as possible, it may look normal but might be infected.

06-20-2015, 10:46 AM
To be honest, as you said it's soft, unlikely to have been a tumour. When male hamsters get warm their testicles can pop out more, or swell up, it's quite normal.

I hope things are okay as I realise this was posted a little while ago.