View Full Version : Owner With Anxiety Needs Either Reassurance or Help!

Tyrion Hammister
06-10-2015, 07:02 PM
Hello, I'm new to the forum. I figured I should make an account as I've been using this site religiously since I had robos a few years ago!

I am a first time Syrian owner. My boy has a funny personality and I love him to pieces, but I am an anxious person who worries constantly if I am doing the right things!

Currently, I am concerned with some strange behavior. I've read elsewhere that this might not be something to worry about, but my hamster shimmies over to his potty corner and basically does a handstand against the cage to pee. It seems like he pees a lot, which maybe I'm not used to seeing as I've owned robos in the past. Also, I found a woodchip in his cage the other day that had a red splash on it, and initially my stomach dropped because I thought he was peeing blood, but now I am not so sure; it is a brighter red than you would expect, and it seems to have a slight shimmer to it in the light? I'm wondering if it could be dye off of his tropical fiddle stick bridge!

Also, he seems to be cleaning his private areas more religiously than the rest of him, though other than this he seems to be behaving normally (or as normal as I would believe, as I've owned him for no more than a month). Are there other signs I would look for in the case of a UTI or kidney stone?

I would really appreciate some guidance! [-o<

06-11-2015, 03:38 AM
The handstand pee is quite normal in boys!! They like to spray their wee as high as possible and out the cage if they can!
If he was weeing blood you would see in in his wet corner so the shavings red issue does not seem to be a problem I'd say. He could have maybe pulled a nail or scratched a paw. Check everything for rough edges especially if you have wooden toys or wheels which we have seen issues with lately.
It is normal for them to be fastidious about cleaning too so as long as he appears bright and active I would monitor him closely and do daily heal checks when he is out for playtime.
Hamsters with UTI or bladder stones are usually quite unwell with hunching and lethargy so it does not sound like that so again just keep watching him daily.
Welcome to HC

06-11-2015, 07:17 AM
They are such little characters and do such funny things sometimes! Souffle has given reassurance above. Other than that I'd just say it is time to get to know his little personality.

Tyrion Hammister
06-11-2015, 07:44 AM
Thank you! I'll keep an eye out for any other symptoms. :)