View Full Version : What to do for a swollen toe?

06-07-2015, 04:05 AM
Last night when I went to take Spike out his cage I saw that one of his front right toes was swollen. It looked okay from the top but underneath it's red and definitely swollen, primarily the tip. I'm not sure if he's had it for awhile and I've just not noticed it or if he did it after I put him in his cage last night. The only reason I noticed was that he was sitting on his haunches with his front paws on the cage door waiting to be let out. The nail looks intact and the toe itself doesn't appear to have any wound, just red and swollen. I'm thinking maybe he caught his toe on something? I'm not sure but since getting over his little cold he's been running around like a maniac trying to make up for lost time. I tried to take a closer look but he was having none of it. The rest of the foot seems fine and I see no redness, swelling or red streaks there. He is also walking perfectly fine and doesn't seem to be favoring it at all.

Is there anything I should be doing for him or do I simply leave it and just keep an eye on it in case it becomes inflamed?

06-10-2015, 02:02 PM
I know I haven't had any replies on this thread but a few people replied on Spike's main thread. Just in case anyone stumbles across this Spike's toe is much improved and most of the redness and swelling has now gone down on it's own :D.

06-10-2015, 02:05 PM
Yay thanks for the update Ruby. Now Spike can get back to what he does best. (EVERYBODY RUN!! ;) )

06-10-2015, 02:24 PM
LOL! Thanks Piebald, that made me snort my tea :mrgreen: