View Full Version : A love for my flannels

Nienna Valar
10-19-2005, 10:20 PM
I let Maia run around me as much as she wants and she really loves my flannel PJ pants! She'll sit in the divit between my two legs and dig at the material. She also loves the ties on my pants and will chew at them and then do her little chittering noise. :lol: Anybody else's hammie do that?

10-20-2005, 02:33 AM
Aye, Tinker loves any cords or strings to have a chew on :) One day I had a long linen skirt on and he went crazy mad digging and pulling at it. It was so funny :lol:

10-20-2005, 03:54 AM
Oh yes the arms of many of my sweaters and fleeces have been pulled and nibbled on. My hammies love going into my hood and having a good root around, some of the older guys even go to sleep in there. I have to remember not to forget them :?

As a child I used to put my hammy down my top (don't ask- I thought it was keeping them warm and I liked their little bodies squirming around on my tummy :oops: ) and they would chew on my vest, my mum would go mad :evil:

I have lost some really nice pieces of clothing to escaped hamsters. My brand new very expensive designer tweed trousers lost a whole turnup to the corner of the room, luckily they were too long so were able to be saved by the alteration place. The number of expensive evening shoes that have had ankle straps eaten through and the duvet cover, duvet and under sheet have all been attacked at one point. I have my infrequently worn clothes at one end of the hamstery spare bedroom, and a single guest bed. The escapees tend to go behind the bed and have a lovely time. Someone needs to tell them the polyester fluffy fibre used to make up duvets is NOT safe for them to eat :twisted: And diging the carpet in corners and under the door is naughty :shock:

Nienna Valar
10-20-2005, 09:24 AM
:lol: How cute! Luckily, my flannels she likes to play in are old and about to get tossed so I don't mind much if she likes to dig around in them. :D

10-20-2005, 11:01 AM
Oh they can be quite destructive - in one night I lost the complete crotch out of a pair of pyjamas I had left on the spare bed... found it in shreds in the corner. I always look in the corner first if a hamster goes missing 9/10 they are there with a little store of food and some nibbled bedding :twisted:

10-20-2005, 11:12 AM
Best stick to goonies, Babyboos! :lol: One night my dad came in and he left his best woolen golf jumper beside the hamster and when we came down in the morning the hamster had a nice, soft, woolen bed and he had a one-sleeved golf jumper!

10-20-2005, 11:44 AM
Aye but the draught up the goonie necessitates troosers at times :wink:

10-21-2005, 11:48 AM
Should we get out our jim jams then, Babyboos as we are coming up to Loch Lomond on Sunday and Edinburgh on Friday! See you on the motorway! :wink: :roll: :lol:

10-21-2005, 11:50 AM
definitely there is a right chill in the air, you can smell the snow on its way

10-31-2005, 06:48 AM
When my Hamlet had wet tail i was doing everything to keep her alive (and she did live on for another year!!) but i couldnt stop draughts getting in her cage...

So as she was in her bed and so incredibly ill that she couldnt move at all i decided to put a hot water bottle nearby and cover her cage with my dressing gown. AH AH. wrong.

I woke up to find she was suddenly feeling a heck of a lot better and had decided that dressing gowns = fantastic bedding and had chewed a huge hole (about 20 cm across, up and down) and so i had a dressing gown with a hole right in the middle of the back and she had nice bedding for one night. i removed it as i didnt want her to eat it or anything...