View Full Version : Does my hammy love me?

11-14-2014, 10:44 PM
Just a question I'm curious to know! Are hamsters affectionate? Would you be able to tell if they love you? Do they even know what love is? Hehe. I want to know if my hamster loves me! I've had him literally since he was born. I know that he trusts me. He's never bitten me when I tried to pick him up, except he does this really weird thing where he chews on my toes when I have socks on :mad:, and he's very comfortable when I hold him and give him kisses. My parents have a rabbit and she runs around their feet when she sees them which I heard is a sign of love and affection. My hamster does something similar. Whenever I step into his playpen he runs across and around my feet and I'm wondering if this is a similar behavior in rodents. He also really loves to climb all over me. His newest obsession is climbing up to my shoulders and sitting there like a parrot lol. He gets really excited when I call his name and he really wants to climb I to my hands when I'm standing over his playpen. Does my hammy love me?! I really hope so!

11-15-2014, 01:34 AM
In hammy terms I think he does lol! :D
I have no idea what love means to a ham but it certainly sounds as though your ham loves to be around you & enjoys your company, sounds like a happy ham to me :)

11-15-2014, 01:30 PM
I'd say he does love you very much :D

Thin Lizzy
11-15-2014, 10:52 PM
Yes he loves you very much! And vice versa he senses that you love him. he totally trusts you and no hamster would do that if he was unhappy.

Nancy's Hamsters
11-15-2014, 11:29 PM
Trust=Love in Hamsters. I've had a few Hamsters who sensed when I was upset and one went as far as to escape her bin fall/drop/climb down from the top shelf of a 4 shelf unit, then climb 13 stairs and then up the bed cover to curl up by my head and go to sleep. I was very upset and dealing with many trials and tribulations at the time. Imagine my shock, and delight that a Hamster cared that much for me.

Her name was Dovey and I always called her Lovey Dovey as she was so affectionate to me(and only me)
Here's my favorite photo of Dovey
She LOVED me to rub her tummy and would rollover like this herself when she wanted a belly rub. She lived to be 2 1/2 years old and gave me a Dove pup who followed in Mommys paw steps.

mushroom my hamster
11-16-2014, 06:06 AM
If it dosent bite you it probely love you

11-16-2014, 06:50 AM
Sounds like mine doesn't love me then! Not interested in crawling over me, ignores when I call his name and is only interested in food and his house lol! He does tolerate being handled, but only just! he only snuggles up to me if a big noise scares him!

11-20-2014, 05:55 PM
Trust=Love in Hamsters. I've had a few Hamsters who sensed when I was upset and one went as far as to escape her bin fall/drop/climb down from the top shelf of a 4 shelf unit, then climb 13 stairs and then up the bed cover to curl up by my head and go to sleep. I was very upset and dealing with many trials and tribulations at the time. Imagine my shock, and delight that a Hamster cared that much for me.

Her name was Dovey and I always called her Lovey Dovey as she was so affectionate to me(and only me)
Here's my favorite photo of Dovey
She LOVED me to rub her tummy and would rollover like this herself when she wanted a belly rub. She lived to be 2 1/2 years old and gave me a Dove pup who followed in Mommys paw steps.

That's just lovely. What a lovely hammy, you were both blessed to have each other 😊