View Full Version : Overweight hamster

02-21-2014, 03:38 PM
I've put this in healthcare but please move if there is a more appropriate section.

Basically, my female syrian is FAT and I am wondering what the best way is to try and get some weight off her? She is approx 16 months and has always been quite a big hamster but she now looks really overweight. She is fed on Harry Hamster, still uses her wheel but not as much as she did when she was younger and she gets out to play in the lounge every other night (I have a male syrian too so their out of cage time needs to be alternated). Is weight gain indicative of a health problem? It's not localised to her tummy area, it is all over.

Any diet tips gratefully received before she goes 'pop'!

02-21-2014, 03:49 PM
I'd be interested in some answers too.

My new rescue hybrid Winnie is also a chubster. I don't know her age as they didn't have a clue and not sure of her living conditions before she came home, but she loves running. Either on her wheel,flying saucer or playpen. She seriously is a chunk though. Ive only had her a little over a week but she comes out twice a day into the playpen where there is lots to do.

I wonder if some are actually just built this way as she isn't such a huge eater?!

JB i need to see a picture she sounds adorable :)

Colby and the Dwarfs
02-21-2014, 04:59 PM
Being an overweight ham is a problem. A ham could get type 2diabetes or heart and circulatory disorders, so it's good you're seeking help.

I have a few things:

-All commercial treats should be avoided, (these are the ones sold in pet shops, All Living Things makes some:().

-Add an increasing amount of fresh vegetables.

-Eating whole foods (grains, seeds, nuts) in their natural state also provides exercise while limiting calories.

-As a rule, don't give products that are mostly sugar.

-I made a playpen that’s full of tubes, sand bowls and boxes to explore. Twenty minutes a day, per ham. I understand you have another hamster, but this ham NEEDS the extra attention(she'll love it too!!!).

-Take a toilet paper roll with a few healthy treats and lots of thin, cheap toilet paper, and put in in her cage.

-I would also try to give a lot of supervised ball time!;)

Keep us updated, and pics would be nice!

02-22-2014, 01:59 AM
Some great ideas there Colby, thanks :)

I'll start giving them an hour out of cage time every day rather than two hours every other day. I don't have a ball and she would HATE it - I'll maybe threaten her with it if we don't start seeing weight loss soon though :mad:

I am going to try and weigh her today and will get a photo while I'm at it - this will thrill her no end!

02-25-2014, 03:53 PM
Er... This may be obvious, but if you're absolutely sure the ham needs to lose weight, what about feeding slightly less?

02-26-2014, 01:38 AM
Er... This may be obvious, but if you're absolutely sure the ham needs to lose weight, what about feeding slightly less?


Funnily enough, that was the first idea that crossed my mind :mad: I was probably giving her too many treats so they have been cut right down so shall see if that helps.