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View Full Version : Nervous Molly :-(

07-18-2008, 05:56 AM
Hi all,

Maybe I'm worrying too much, but Molly seems to spend a lot of time sleeping, or just sat in her bed. :(

We've had her nearly 2 weeks now, and she seems scared to come out and jumps at the slightest thing (she even makes herself jump sometimes!) and I sometimes see what appears to be shivering, but the room is a normal temperature, with no drafts, so I'm assuming she is just scared. I've been getting her out nearly everyday, and we talk to her all the time so she gets used to our voices, but doesn't seem to be calming down. I'm worried about giving her a heart attack or something, the amount of times she is getting spooked!

I know all hamsters are different, but compared to Stewie she seems to be taking a while to get used to us, and I'm worried I'm doing something wrong. :shock:

07-18-2008, 08:04 AM
I think when you have an older hammy we sometimes forget what babies are like. :D I certainly forgot what puppies were like!!. Now that you have had Molly for two weeks she should be settled in her new home and if I were you I would really go for quite intensive taming now. Lola was quite skittish at first but we took her out several times a day and really used the hand to hand running technique persistantly till she was sound. She might sense you are a bit nervous so put on your brave routine and just go for it. Start with the lift and lay down, then run her through your fingers. Have the cage on the floor and get her out and let her run in the leg paddock! have a look at the taming tips on the wiki. If all else fails bring her over here for a Pophammy taming holiday :D

07-21-2008, 01:13 PM
Thanks for your expert advice souffle :) we've been getting her out a few times a day now and theres a definite improvement - she's even coming onto my hand sometimes! She still sometimes gets spooked and vibrates, but its getting less often, so hopefully she will soon be as tame as Stewie :)

Here's another piccy of her :)


07-21-2008, 01:18 PM
Hopefully with some time she will adjust. I have to say, what a beautiful hammy she is. So so sweet.

08-01-2008, 01:59 PM
One of my female hamsters angel was exactly the same, although she is still extremely jumpy she has improved a lot, Angel used to hide in her house too, after a while she started comming out more and more, she also never used to take food off me. Just give her time and im sure she will start being more sociable. It is difficult though, i have to do everything on Angels terms, that means standing holding her ball next to the door for ages until she wants to climb in. Even when i cough from accross the room Angel jumps!! Thats how bad she is.

What cage is she in bared or tank?

08-02-2008, 02:11 AM
Glad to hear she has settled a bit now. That piccie is adorable. She is so pretty. I am sure she will soon be just like Stewie and nice and tame. :D