View Full Version : Strange behaviour

11-07-2013, 01:19 PM
We have our new girl Lola who has become wonderfully tame quite quickly and comes out runs on our hands and all over my bed at night, but she is very very active in the night - especially the bar chewing - and it's becoming very disruptive to my daughters sleep as she is in her room. Also she tends to wee while she is out (which Bella didn't used to) and so felt it's easier if she is going to wee it be somewhere easier to clean so I suggested maybe Lola might benefit from some exercise in the playpen thing she has. We tried Bella in it but she never liked it, and we did try Lola right at e beginning but she wasn't keen either. Well tonight e have set it up and got lots of different things out, ball (on a stand) tunnels, boxes, flying saucer, tube seesaw bridge etc and put her in it, but she starts to walk funny when she goes in. It's like she sort of leans into everything, and on one hand I was thinking maybe she is just rubbing her scent glands against everything because it's new to her (although all of the exercise equipment is hers and some is stuff that's actually in her cage) and maybe she is just marking her territory. But it seems really odd how she does it, as soon as we take her out and let her walk on the bed she walks fine, so I don't want to distress her. The cage was actually put down on the wood floor, so I wondered if maybe it was cold on her feet and she found that odd as normally she walks on cage filling/carpet or my bed. But it just seems odd.
Does anyone had any suggestions or experience of this.

11-07-2013, 02:12 PM
If she's only acting strange around the toys and not just in general (When you hold her), I'm not sure what the reason would be.

I would probably only worry if little Lola starts walking strange all the time! maybe give it a couple of days and see if she gets better!

11-07-2013, 03:15 PM
It sounds like she is scent marking. Maybe so it's easier for her to find her way around the new space? They don't see very well :) Could you put a towel or old blanket down under the playpen so she doesn't have to walk on the cold floor, see if that helps?

11-07-2013, 03:16 PM
Yeah, I kept putting her down on my bed and on carpet to see how she walks but she is walking fine, I as looking for any signs of hunched but she hasn't thankfully, it is literally when we put her into the enclosure with the toys. She sort of curls her tail and like leans her backside over onto things, like leaning on stuff. Then she starts to scratch herself and then sits washing herself, but she gets very fast too sort of rushing everywhere.
Tbh I think Bella behaved exactly the same in there, but Bella was on carpet and we wondered if maybe the carpet irritated her or something, but this is on wood floor, and the only thing I can thing is that obviously it's probably colder than anything else she walks in and maybe she doesn't like the sensation and it in nerves her and makes her behave funny.

11-08-2013, 01:23 AM
I have wood floors too and I put down a towel, and he seems ok. I found that the first couple of times I put him in there he seemed not to like it, would just run around looking for an exit, but then he got used to it and now that it's a bit more familiar he seems to like it more :)