View Full Version : A question for hobby breeders/breeders

08-20-2005, 03:28 AM
Just wondering at what time of the day do you tend to mate your hamsters.

This summer I have had trouble with getting the females pregnant.

I tend to do it at about 10.00pm when I get them out to feed them. I also tried doing it at between 4.00 - 5.00 pm but still haven't had any luck.



09-08-2005, 03:07 PM
The closer to midnight, the larger the litter was an "old folk's tale" I heard many years ago but I tend to try and stick to that rule. A female hamster comes into season every four days, or, as she is nocturnal, nights. Under normal conditions she is barely fertile on the fourth day at 7pm, yet highly fertile by 11pm and then reducing to infertile again by 7am the next day.