View Full Version : in what conditions/situation will hamsters fight

03-26-2013, 05:23 AM
ok so i got a dwarf roborovski hamster now. it's my first hamster. But i dont want him to be that lonely so what i am thinking is to buy another same species hamster for him. It's a boy. what's your opinion and when will they fight?

03-26-2013, 05:29 AM
It may be hard to introduce him to another robo now he's alone. I have a single robo and he's great

03-26-2013, 05:59 AM
I wouldn't do it. Once a hamster is used to life alone it can be difficult to introduce another hamster to them. Its incredibly rare for a dwarf to get lonely and all three of our robos are fine alone.
The things that tend to trigger fights are lack of space, hormones (especially during puberty), individual "special" bits of the cage - e.g a platform, module of the cage, special area e.t.c, toys with only one entrance/exit are dangerous and easily claimed...
There might well be more I've forgotten but since hams can fall out completely unexpectedly (e.g when Dusty decided to become a solitary ham) there's never any way to completely prevent fall-outs.

03-26-2013, 12:40 PM
It's not particularly a good idea. If your little guy is used to being alone, introducing a strange Robo to him will just cause stress that neither of them need.