View Full Version : Pip just fell off the table :(

05-19-2008, 04:26 PM
I put Pip in her scales to weight her and they toppled over and she did a rather impressive somersault onto the floor. I picked her up immediately and checked her over and she seems absolutely fine. I put her back in the scales (keeping one hand on them this time!) and she was fully cooperative, and then we continued with our playtime and photoshoot as normal.

Like I said, she seems to be uninjured and she isn't skittish and she didn't try to bite me, but is there anything in particular I should look out for? I worry :(

Edit: I just went in to check on her and she's running on her wheel with her pouches stuffed full of food. That has to be a good sign, yes? :P

05-19-2008, 05:25 PM
If shes running on her wheel then I'm sure she's fine :) and good thing. I'm sure that since this experience you'll be very watchful of your hamster when it comes to high places. Perhaps next time, is it possible to put the scale on the floor? so if the ham tries to escape at least there wont be a big fall?

When it comes to handling hamsters in any fashion its advised to handle them in an area close to the ground, or safe in your lap.

05-19-2008, 06:01 PM
Thanks, SnuggleHam. I checked on her again and she's dandy :)

05-22-2008, 12:41 AM
Amazing how quick hams can escape. I was giving Sir Dandelion a cuddle last night, stood up to put him back in Dandelion Hall and the next thing I knew, he'd wriggled out of my hands and landed with a thud on the fireplace hearth :roll: He's too fall of beans for his own good :lol: