View Full Version : Nervous hamster & plastic cages VS. bar cages

01-14-2013, 10:31 AM
As some of you may know I have an extremely nervous and jittery syrian hamster who's currently in a Duna Multy cage. I liked the idea of the plastic cages, as I thought it would keep him warmer and also safer from possible escapes. But he has never gained any confidence and doesn't really seem interested in being out & about in his cage. Spending most his time hidden in his house/nest.

I was just wondering if anyone has any experience or any knowledge on whether he may well prefer a bar cage instead? My thinking was that it would be easier for him to interact with me, yet staying within the safety of his cage (ie. handing him food through the bars). As at the moment the only way I can hand feed him or anything is by sticking my hand/arm in from the top opening which I would imagine is a little intimidating? Any input would be welcome :)

01-14-2013, 12:08 PM
It is possible. Bear became much friendlier when I switched her from a Perfecto to a barred rat cage. My theory was that it was easier for her to hear and smell me coming so she was more prepared and confident.

01-14-2013, 03:27 PM
Yeah, we find that barred cages are better for interaction. We do find that sometimes the security of a tank style cage really helps nervous hams to learn to ignore us, but if we can we like to have every single ham in a barred cage.