View Full Version : R.i.p tj :(

09-22-2012, 10:56 AM
I don't really know how to say this or what to say... Everything was okay this morning, just a normal morning...

Our cat was found in a nearby garden. He had been hit by a car and his poor face was badly damaged by his mouth. His front paw was broken and he was covered in blood.

The person who found him took him to the vets. We went to visit him and he started purring when we stroked him. He got restless and started making these howling kind of noises. He was crying because he was in so much pain.

We went home expecting to get a call, saying when he was going to be going for surgery etc...

He has passed away and we are so upset.

He was such an annoying cat. He was always coming in and miaowing for food and attention. He was only with us lastnight, pestering us.

I'm allergic to cats but I still love him. I can't beleive he has gone, taken so quickly and the person who has done this has no idea how much pain this is going to cause. They should be locked up.

Here's a picture of the cheeky little cat!!


09-22-2012, 10:59 AM
awwww rest in peace, I am so so sorry, that's an awful way to lose someone

09-22-2012, 11:37 AM
I'm so sorry. I've lost three cats to RTAs and it's heartbreaking. Run free, TJ xx

Erin Loves Dwarf Hamsters
09-22-2012, 11:40 AM
I'm so very sorry for your loss, I have also lost a lot of cats to cars they don't have great road safety senses sadly.

Sleep well TJ xx

Call me Alison
09-22-2012, 12:14 PM
I'm so sorry, we've lost a few cats over the years to RTA it's heartbreaking.


09-22-2012, 01:07 PM
Thanks everyone.

It's something that I've not been through before so I am really struggling to get my head around it. We miss him dearly :(

We are taking great comfort with all the well wishes, and the fact we now know he has passed on and is no longer in pain. He can chase and catch all of the mice he wants now. xx

09-23-2012, 09:22 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Sleep tight tj x x x

I had to have my cat pts in 2010 and I still miss him so so much.
The pain and hurting does go away but we will always miss them :(

The Hamster's family
09-23-2012, 09:28 AM
So sorry for your loss... Hope you feel better soon...

Play well, lovely kittie!


09-23-2012, 09:42 AM
I'm sorry you lost him in this way. I lost my snowy around 11 years ago a week before christmas in the same way so know how you feel. Also around 16 years ago my Henry was hit by a car, he did live but had bad facial injuries and wasn't the same mentally. He couldn't seem to get any peace and quiet at my house either as I had a ten year old kid at the time, plus 3 other cats so my neighbours who loved him and were in their seventies ended up adopting him. He still lived another 10 years being spoiled rotten and fed like a king too, plus I could visit him whenever I wanted.

09-24-2012, 01:28 AM
It's still raw but we're getting better now. We still miss him so much.

09-26-2012, 08:51 AM
Awwwh I'm so sorry for your loss Knotty.
I've lost 2 cats in the past to car accidents and neither time did anyone stop or anything. I also lost both of my other cats this year, one due to illness and the other old age. The one that died of old age got hit by a car twice and had her pelvis crushed the second time. She crawled back to the house and the vet managed to save her.
They can be annoying but it's part of what makes them such amazing pets, especially with their "I'm here give me attention NOW!" mentality.
I really think there should be laws where if you hit an animal you should stop and at least attempt to find the owners, even if it's just knocking on a couple of doors or even take the cat to a vets and leave the details of what happened.

I'm glad you're getting better now, I know it still hurts (and I know you'll probably know this having so many pets :) ) But it does get better *hugs*

09-26-2012, 10:18 AM
Thank you so much. That is so true. People just have no consideration to the fact that it was someone's pet cat they just ran over. They probably even have cats themselves.

It's weird just lounging around and he's not here coming in miaowing and purring to get attention. It has been really horrible but we are starting to feel a lot better :)

Thanks for that lovely comment :)

09-26-2012, 10:27 AM
Im so sorry for your loss Knotty.. I lost my 18 year old cat Indy a few weeks ago to old age.. I still miss him like crazy.. He was my first ever pet and my babsey..
Keep strong..xx

09-26-2012, 10:38 AM
Sometimes having a little keepsake can help too. Bex (The one I lost to illness) was unexpected. She was misdiagnosed so her real illness went untreated for 4 days and she spent the weekend in the vets. When I took her for her check-up I expected to bring her home but had to have her put to sleep instead. I couldn't bring her home to bury in the garden but I brought her collar home so I had something of hers. Something like that or a nice picture you can look at to remind you of the fun/good times is always good too.
I'm glad it's getting a little better for you. I wanted to leave you a nice comment because I know how horrible it is to be in that situation but also that things get better and easier. You'll always miss your cat but it'll get easier and you'll think more about the funny stuff he used to do. :)
Have extra cuddle time with your Hams, it really helps :)

09-27-2012, 08:23 AM
Tnank you guys. It really does mean a lot to us. I've never been through this before so it's all new. It is really great to have the hams to cuddle with. I get such joy from making their lives great. The other night I made a couple of bridge things to go in both of the cages, and they loved them. I feel so proud when they like something I put in their cage, and that makes both me and the OH really happy :)

I'm sorry that you have both been through this too, but thanks for the support.

09-27-2012, 10:04 AM
Im so very sorry for your loss,he is your Angel now! Take care and hope you feel well soon~

10-19-2012, 10:47 AM
Thank you so much:)

10-19-2012, 11:39 AM
I was on holiday when this happened but I'd still like to say how sorry I am Knotty.
Sometimes we question so hard why things happen and we never get an answer. Sadly we can never change fate and I try and let things lie easy on my heart and try to think what will be will be.
I'm sure he is watching over you still and his little star is shining bright. I hope you are also feeling a bit better as the acceptance comes with time.
Play well at the bridge TJ.

10-19-2012, 12:07 PM
Thank you souffle.

The time has helped us a lot but obviously we still miss him dearly. It really is a shame but we know he is no longer in pain :) Thank you.