View Full Version : My gerbil boys

06-09-2012, 08:29 AM
I don't think I've ever shared pictures of them here yet. They are now separated due to fighting, but I try to keep them as content as possible. They are both boys and about Buttercup's age (so will be a year in the Fall). Their names are Rocky and Bullwinkle. Bullwinkle is more tame than Rocky (as in he lets me handle him, he'll take treats from me, he's friendly, etc.). Bullwinkle has even learnt that when he hears me messing with stuff above his tank that he's about to receive his food, treats, chews, cardboard, and/or hay. He'll pop right out of his burrows, sit on top of his bedding, and wait for me to open his tank. Rocky isn't as tame, but we're getting there. He at least lets me handle him when I change his bedding. Anyway. Here's a few pictures. Bullwinkle is the grayish one (dove, I think it's called?), and Rocky is the other one. The pictures aren't that great. They're always on the move, so getting a still shot of them is a challenge. You'll notice that they're eating in a lot of them for this reason. :mad:


06-09-2012, 08:31 AM

I love the look of Gerbils, one day I hope to have some. They are Handsome

Silver xxx

06-09-2012, 09:50 AM
They are very sweet :D I hope they are doing ok on their own, I've not experienced gerbils falling out but I expect its quite scary. They look just like my boys actually x

06-09-2012, 06:14 PM
I love the look of gerbils, too. :) There's something almost dignified about their faces. Thank you, I'll pass the word on to them. ;)

Yeah, it's pretty scary. I definitely hope they are, too. I still feel a bit bad about having to keep them separate. If your boys do look anything like them, I bet they're handsome. ;)

06-09-2012, 06:48 PM
Very cute! There have been quite a few gerbil pics on here lately... Makes me want some!

06-10-2012, 08:46 AM
Thank you. :) They definitely are excellent pets. Quite different from hamsters in some respects, but I love them just as much. The gerbils are the reason I got back into the rodent world again. As a kid, I'd been a big rodent person. I spent most of my childhood wanting a hamster. I ended up with a guinea pig (lol someone thought he was a hamster, even at eight I knew he wasn't), but I loved my guinea pig. I've had guinea pigs most of my life until I was seventeen when my last one passed away. I just didn't feel like I could do it any more. Then, some how, I ended up with gerbils. It was downhill from there. I could not blame you if you ended up with gerbils, too. ;)