View Full Version : a question about introducing a breeding pair

11-21-2007, 02:34 AM
i've been thinking a lot about my show winning paddy (did i mention he won best in show at lymm :P ) and how it'd be a shame not to pass on his genes to a new generation. i don't want to breed him now cos i've got too many hams already, but perhaps next year.

anyway, if i did get a girl for him, how do you go about introducing them. is it via a split cage as usual and do they actually take to each other, cos i know that the chances of same sex intros being successful are like zero. can you introduce a breeding pair later in life, or do they have to be together from a young age?

it's a shame i can't mate him like a syrian really and i could just stud him out to another female and take pick of litter.

11-21-2007, 09:01 AM
Well done bunsey and Paddy. What a handsome lad he must be. I am no dwarf expert but I think it is via split cages, scent rubbing and gradual handling together then you can leave them together. You could stud him out maybe if you could find someone who wanted a litter from him but you would likely miss him a lot. I'm sure any young lady ham would be delighted to marry Paddy :lol:

11-28-2007, 05:57 PM
you can do it similiar to Syrians if you want, although I prefer to raise my dwarf babies in family groups, I know plenty of breeders who keep them apart day to day, only bringing them together for a few hours each night for a few days until the deed is witnessed. If they are receptive to each other they will be fine just like Syrians, otherwise you need to intervene and seperate them, and try again another night.
Although males are fertile all their life pretty much, the quality of the sperms does decrease, but he should be a good mate for a younger female sometime in the New Year if you decide to go this way - the younger she is the less problems you should have when putting them together, but they more likely you are to maybe have a smaller, or less successful litter than what you would get from a slightly older experienced female.
Good luck whatever you decide, but if you do fancy making another generation start looking as early as possible in January for a suitable mate.