View Full Version : What is my hamster trying to tell me?

08-10-2011, 02:11 AM
My Syrian hamster BooBoo was acting very strangely tonight.
What he kept on doing is that he would stuff his cheeks with food (and sometimes some bedding) and would bite on the cage (signifying that he wants out). So therefore I would put him in his ball. Afterwards, he would find a place in the house, dump out the food and bedding from his cheeks, and just sit there. Sometimes he would even run around while the food he dumped out was still in there.
After that, when I try to put him back in his cage, he would just do the same thing again. He would go on his wheel for a little bit but then he would go back to biting on the cage. I even tried putting some lemon on the bars, which usually works with the biting, but he was so determined to get out that it barely even stopped him from biting.
This behavior of his is extremely strange and he hasn't done anything as odd as this before, and I've had him since late June.
I clean out his poop and unwanted substances daily, so that's not an issue. And his wheel is functioning just fine. I don't understand what he could be trying to tell me, and what I should do about it.

Help on this would mean a lot. Thanks!

08-10-2011, 05:06 AM
It sounds as if he is enjoying out time so is now seeking attention to try and get you to let him out! He is taking the food along just in case he finds an alternative spot to set up camp I expect!

08-10-2011, 11:39 AM
Yeah, I figured that too. I just don't understand it because last night he was wanting to get out more than usual and he even woke me up again by the sound of him biting on his cage at like 6am. It just worries me because I don't want him to bite on his bars at all because it's supposed to be bad for his jaw.
I haven't tried doing the bathtub method that much because he always seemed so occupied in his ball, but is this a sign that he wants some "out" time that way?

08-10-2011, 11:43 AM
Mine have done that too. It's amazing how much they can get in those cheeks! I just dump it back into the food bowl and let hammy run. Mine can't get enough ball time so don't be surprised when they want more attention. Just make sure they get water breaks every so often.

08-10-2011, 11:45 AM
I would allow him more free roaming and handling time than ball time.
Personally I am not a great ball fan myself because if you think about it from the hamster's viewpoint they are not actually going anywhere except inside a plastic sphere! They cannot sniff or climb or explore and run about the same as if they are outside a ball. We prefer quality time on a bed or in a safe space having free exploring time and handling.
Bar chewing is a hard habit to break once they start. There are some tips on the WIKI.

08-10-2011, 11:51 AM
He has also learned that if he bar chews he gets out - or at least gets attention. I strongly advise NEVER letting him out when he bar chews. And just a short sharp blow on the nose when he chews, but don't talk or touch, or treat. Then once the behaviour stops, and he is being nice and calm. Give him a treat and take him out. Then he'll learn when he's being nice he gets attention.