View Full Version : All he does is try and get away

04-02-2011, 06:11 PM
So I've had Marley two months now and I would say he is pretty tame. My problem is every night when I get him out for play time all he does is try and escape. It doesn't matter how many toys he has to play with or in, or how many treats I give him he constantly tries to get away from me or out of his pen.

I really don't know what to do and it's kinda getting me down. Should he be trying to get away from me all the time? :(

04-02-2011, 08:07 PM
Does he not like bright lights? My robos didn't like me playing with them in the bathtub because the light was really bright there. I started putting them into a large area in a dimly lit room and they were more comfortable. Also I provided some hiding tubes and a puzzle house so they could hide until they felt safe. Maybe the difference between their familiar cage and the play area is that the play area is too big or bright that it intimidates him?

Gizmodo ^_^
04-03-2011, 12:32 AM
Fudge used to do this, so i just let him play somewhere else somedays and it has stopped it for the most part