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  1. baby hamster making whistle noise constantly
  2. Swollen Foot?
  3. Lymphoma :(
  4. Hamsters have scratched out one eye...?
  5. Theseus has a sore?
  6. Preventative spay? (Opinions please)
  7. Syrian losing fur on underside/neck
  8. Is she ok? (Newbie question)
  9. Random death?
  10. Cystitis / Wet Tail
  11. Bisquick had another stroke
  12. Smelly Rusty!!
  13. Ernie has a lump :(
  14. Old hamster fur loss.
  15. Hammy hibernation!?
  16. Fit :(
  17. Confusing bulging rectum
  18. Help! Sick hamster, no clue...
  19. Jenna smells funny :(
  20. Vet visit
  21. my robo has bald spot from scratching...
  22. Telling Hamster Genders
  23. Hamster with 3 legs
  24. Collapsed Syrian ? cause
  25. Poorly Syrian...Any advice??
  26. Poorly Roo!
  27. help w/ a female syrian
  28. My baby long fured syrian just gave me a fright
  29. Should I be worried?
  30. Advice For Injured Hybrid Hamster Needed ASAP!
  31. Putting food in the same area as the poo
  32. Poppy keeps jumping and landing funny.
  33. Re: Possible Pyometra Information and help required
  34. Broken leg, any thoughts to ease pain?
  35. Pepsi has chipped her teeth... and they're pale??
  36. Hamster in respiratory distress
  37. Wet tail? Advice please!
  38. Eye infection?
  39. Syrian Hamster Hair Loss and Weight Loss
  40. Update on Bella
  41. Peaches has Pyometra :(
  42. Distended Stomach/possible constipation
  43. Are the nails too long?
  44. Long bottom... help!
  45. Hair loss causes?
  46. gender confusion?!
  47. Greasy fur? confused..
  48. Desperate for advice on inactive syrian.
  49. Cleft Palate in Dwarf Hamster?
  50. Underweight?
  51. Worried about Pepsi's teeth!!
  52. Help for Elderly Hamster.
  53. My daughters hamster died today
  54. Sneezing
  55. Mixing food
  56. Poppy Does not seem to be using her potty corner.
  57. Measles
  58. Poppy firsts trip to the vet
  59. Caring for a hamster with mites?
  60. Hammy hiccups?
  61. Poorly Poppy and administrating antibiotics, help.
  62. Stroke/Seizure??
  63. VERY Smelly Hamster
  64. Sick Hamster :(
  65. Loose lump
  66. Oily fur???
  67. Advice please!
  68. Open eye/ closed eye
  69. Syrian Sneezing? Chattering Teeth?
  70. Sick Hamster, not sure what to do now!
  71. Help!
  72. First trip to the vets
  73. Peaches seems more perky! :)
  74. Poorly Nacho
  75. Help
  76. Mama MoeMoe! Help!
  77. Pyometra
  78. Help!
  79. Herman's Eye Issue
  80. Cheek Impaction Question
  81. Will not leave cage
  82. Peaches not so good today..( R.I.P. Peaches)
  83. Too hot?
  84. Wet tail or something else?
  85. off to the vets tomorrow....
  86. Pebbles has Pyometra
  87. Delilah's fur thinning and greasy
  88. Can’t keep weight on
  89. bare patch on face
  90. behaviour after trauma help :(
  91. Thinning hair?
  92. Hobbes is at the Vets broken leg :(
  93. Help! Hammies eatting woodworm beetles??
  94. Help! Penny is acting very lethargic.
  95. Whats up with Bijou?
  96. URGENT: female syrian blister?? on parts?
  97. help my hammys injured and vets wat to put to sleep in not conviced tho !
  98. Roborovski cheeks problem
  99. Health questions
  100. Is a runt always going to be small and weak
  101. My hamster Lennie is dying?
  102. Bald patch
  103. Dark spots around eyes
  104. poppet has a pyometra.... :confused:
  105. Please Help. My hamster has a Wound!
  106. Vet Visit
  107. Something isn't right....
  108. Jasmine is Struggling
  109. Lump on syrian hammy
  110. Why is it so hard for companies to make the proper stuff for hamsters?
  111. Dusty has a womb infection
  112. Help! Possible Wet Tail!
  113. How big should my hamster be?
  114. Hamster itching
  115. Long nails
  116. colapsing?
  117. Just weighed Panda, is he a healthy weight???
  118. My hamster had a stoke HELP!
  119. Bloody, scabby and scratchy
  120. How can a hamster catch a cold????
  121. How do you know if their teeth are too long?
  122. Mites, Mange, or Something Else? (pictures)
  123. Heartbroken!
  124. Hamster Has A Sore Mouth
  125. How to tell glaucoma in WW
  126. chinese dwarf hamster fighting?
  127. I think she's got lice.
  128. Bedding always stuck to his butt fur!
  129. can hamsters catch the cold/flu virus?
  130. Bug spray???
  131. Not sure what to do....
  132. sends water a funny colour?
  133. Slightly damp fur
  134. help!! sweet little miss Puff is bleeding and Moo got stuck bar chewing
  135. Syrian hamsters have bumps on their front feet pads right?
  136. Poppy's ok
  137. Hamster breathing quickly and shaking.
  138. Appears to have died but still floppy?
  139. Anxious about Fluffy
  140. Eyes
  141. sick hammy eye ailment
  142. Hamster Eye
  143. Help in Surrey area nail trimming!
  144. Biscuit's ill
  145. Small hump in cheek pouch?
  146. Hazel Hamster & Tumors
  147. Cushing disease experts plz click
  148. 2 mos old panda's eyes are now both closed
  149. fluffy bedding?
  150. Eyes stuck shut?
  151. Poorly hamster
  152. I have a food question
  153. size
  154. Itchy old man
  155. Obi died...
  156. Delilah's rapid hair loss.....
  157. Pyometras
  158. Should The Smell be This Bad? Please help!!!
  159. skin discolouration
  160. Trauma/Depression/Health causing these worrying behavors?
  161. wobbly hamster
  162. Felix's nails
  163. Squealed!
  164. Cut on back of theo's neck
  165. Bald Patch
  166. Ear infection or stroke?
  167. Klevin isn't drinking
  168. dry skin
  169. Hamster has eaten some metal?! Help!
  170. Paint fumes
  171. How I would choose a pet or show Syrian hamster
  172. Wettail fears
  173. Syrian died recently - diagnosis?
  174. Help :S
  175. blood on tail
  176. Recovering from Wet Tail
  177. Tips for giving oral meds
  178. Poor pebbles has Cystitis :(
  179. Help please :(
  180. Please help!! Dropped Ivy on the tile floor?!
  181. teeth teeth teeth
  182. chinchilla dusting powder
  183. sand bath NOT a hit
  184. Not sure what's wrong with my hamster
  185. what is this nasty smell?
  186. Dark Spot on Female Syrian's Privates
  187. please help, nose bleed :'(
  188. Robo's eyes moving from side to side
  189. Anything to be worried about?
  190. Chinese Hamster + Broken leg.
  191. Help, my hamster has a bloody nose ):!
  192. Handling Winifred
  193. Treatment for tumors
  194. Hair loss on chest?
  195. What causes cushings disease?
  196. Heat Wave In Canada!!!!
  197. Sleepy Syrian
  198. Help????:(
  199. hamster with lump, cant walk properly.
  200. ears back,should i worry
  201. Silly question about poo...
  202. Please help with Luna?!
  203. wet poo
  204. Month Old Babies Dying - Can You Help?
  205. Bad news vet visit: Mastitis or Mammary Tumor
  206. Hamster literally just died minutes ago
  207. Male Syrian penile discharge?
  208. Water - How much?
  209. Strong and unusal smell...?
  210. Smelly Cage
  211. Felix nails getting longer
  212. ham quarantine
  213. Dwarf hamster and antibiotics - any advice?
  214. Melody Has a Cold
  215. Worried HELP!!
  216. Poor cookie, need advice!
  217. Lots of blood on karlie bogie wonderland wheel!!
  218. Not chewing
  219. young hamster sleeps constantly
  220. Lump on my hamsters face
  221. smelly breathe and black teeth?
  222. Little spots of blood on wheel?
  223. Something on his back...
  224. Crusty skin over his scent glands?
  225. Is Timmy OK?! :'(
  226. Honey is flaking :(
  227. Webbed feet
  228. Hamster fainting/seizures - Please Help!
  229. Is this just a scab?
  230. Vet Care - how much should I budget?
  231. Lost teeth!
  232. Deformed Foot? My Poor Hammie :(
  233. Dwarf Hamster, Confusing Hair Loss
  234. HELP!! My hamster is sick
  235. Fur loss?
  236. Is death common for hamsters in hibernation?
  237. Skinny Teddy
  238. pro biotic.... anyone tried it?
  239. Injured foot
  240. Hamster acting strangely
  241. How old is "old" for a syrian
  242. Help! Lumps!
  243. sensitive question
  244. pups development.
  245. Theo has lumps :(
  246. Elderly hamster
  247. Making my hamsters last hours more comfortable? Help me :(
  248. What does this look/sound like?
  249. Urgent please help!!
  250. Hamster vaginal bleeding