RIP Casper and Leaving HC for good!
About half an hour ago just found Casper lying flat on his back and hardly breathing - I just had time to gently pick him up before he passed away.
I've literally had him since December 2023!
No idea what's caused this but I am beyond distraught right now losing someone who even though he was very reclusive and only just started coming out for taking treats last month!
He was actually my first breeder hamster as all my others came from P@H.
I am really sorry to say this, but I've now made the hard decision to never have hamsters again - not even dwarf hamsters.
I am also going to be leaving the forum today as well - I just can't take it any more.
Thank you for all your help on here - especially Souffle and the gang.
Julia xx
Currently being owned by: Casper (Syrian Hamster) Winnie (cat), Inca (corn snake), Leo (Leopard Gecko), Truffle and Speedy (tarantulas)