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Old 04-04-2024, 09:45 AM  
Join Date: Apr 2024
Posts: 1
Default Hamster won’t use wheel

Hello, I wasn’t sure were to ask about this I’m sorry if I did it in the wrong spot. My syrian hamster is very old, estimated about 2 and a half, probably a bit older. I’ve had him for most of his life and he’s always used his wheel before. He has a niteangel wheel, it’s big enough, works, and isn’t to loud. But he recently hasn’t been using it and I’m very worried because I don’t know why. He seems otherwise healthy, I’ve checked his limbs and him for anything that could be stopping him from using his wheel, but he seems fine. This has been going on for awhile, at first he was just using it less frequently and I didn’t think to much of it. But now I don’t think he ever uses it. I know they are nocturnal and have been assuming he might be only using it at night, but I’ve stayed up all night to check if that’s what he’s been doing, and he didn’t use it even once. I tried to put his wheel in his playpen to see if he’d use it then, but he didn’t. I’m thinking it could be old age but he’s NEVER using it to my knowledge which doesn’t seem normal? Does anyone know what this could mean? Or have any ideas to try to get him to use it again? Also I have a related question, since he doesn’t use it could I take it out? I know that sounds awful but I think it’d be easier for him to get around. I currently have to slope it because his wheel is very tall. The tall side of his bedding is 11 inches and the shallow side is 6 inches. I try to make the slope gradual but it’s not ideal. I’m worried the slope will be to hard for him to navigate in his old age. And the wheel takes up a lot of space, if I take it out I could fit in a lot more enrichment. Would that be okay in this situation or is that an awful idea? Thank you in advance for any advice!
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