Thread: overgrown tooth
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Old 04-01-2024, 09:58 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 119
Default overgrown tooth

So this is kind of a crazy story and I still can't believe I'm posting this but I'm kind of lost in where to go next so I'm hoping someone will have some advice for me.
I have a dwarf hamster named Dusty who is either a hybrid or a Campbells.
I noticed about 6 months ago that he had an extremely overgrown tooth that was literally growing out of his mouth. Unfortunately the one exotics vet within driving distance is extremely hard to get an appointment with so I decided to try trimming it myself as I have some experience trimming guinea pig and hamster nails and figured it can't be much different. For some background, Dusty also has extremely fast growing nails but not anything excessive.
So this went on for the last few months, I would try to trim this tooth as often as possible but it always became overgrown again extremely fast, often within a few weeks.
I also felt guilty because I trimmed it but I wasn't able to trim it all the way down to where it should be, just to the point where it wasn't sticking out of his mouth anymore but I felt silly trying to get him to a vet when I knew it would grow back so quickly.
To be on the safe side, I always made sure he had soft food options although I never noticed any chewing difficulty.
About a month ago I was trimming it and he yanked back and the entire tooth came right out! I felt terrible but he seemed to be totally fine and I can't say I didn't feel some relief that I would no longer need to deal with this tooth. I made sure that all of his food was soft because although he showed no signs of pain, I knew he must be at least a little sore.
Yesterday, I was playing with him and I suddenly noticed that not only had this same tooth grown back, but it was overgrown again!
So now I'm at my wit's end, and I'm also not sure why its only this one tooth and the others are totally normal and fine.
Did anyone go through this or something similar, or has any ideas for me?
thank you!
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