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Old 03-31-2024, 09:57 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2024
Posts: 4
Default I need some advice

Hi I’m new to this site I need a bit of advice I have a Syrian hamster called Charlie we noticed in January that her fur was starting to fall off we got some normal play sand so when I noticed her fur was going it started at two sides by her legs but on the sides so we rang pets at home for some advice she was 11 months at the time as we got her from pets at home so they said sounds like a vitamin deficiency so we bought the stuff they suggested by adding it in her water and she was starting to grow back but mid February she stopped growing her fur she started losing her fur off her back so we thought maybe she’s got mites so we bought hamster mite stuff and she stopped itching after a few days she was more active but this was on the Sunday night she was climbing digging so I booked her to see the vet on Tuesday to see if they could tell me why she was losing her fur I always take her out of cage she sits there waiting for me but Monday night she completely changed she wouldn’t come out of her bed she was hissing which she has never. Ever done since I got her so when she came out she looked awful she could barely walk like she had no energy the vet said it could be Cushing disease which he gave us nothing he scanned her liver n her kidneys he said her liver is fine her kidneys he said are the best he’s ever seen she was losing weight she was 199 g few days before we took her see the vet so we been bottle feeding her water as she wouldn’t drink on her own and wouldn’t eat her normal food so I been giving her food that are wet ie cucumber tomatoes peas carrots things like that she started eating that from Tuesday we weighed her she was 172 g then on Wednesday she weighed 162 g then again on Thursday 165 g and Saturday she was 169 g so her weight going up but my worry is I’m not sure weather she’s had a stroke as when’ she sits down her body goes back and forth she’s got no energy her fur gone of her face when u hold her she falls asleep and she sleeps all the time except getting up for food and wee n that drinking I’ve been so upset as I thought she wasn’t going to make it but since we got her she always slept all day and night u pick her up she go back sleep when I put her in her cage I don’t know if it’s normal for a hamster sleep constantly she slowly starting dig and she starting to store food in her pockets it’s just she seems so fragile it’s heart breaking I’ve never had a hamster before this was my first one
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