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Old 03-19-2024, 07:04 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2024
Location: California
Posts: 4
Default Hey-oh! I'm new here~

Hey all, I hope this message finds you well!

I'm brand new to this forum and I thought I would write out my introduction. My name is Kate and I'm a little familiar with hamsters and hamster-care. Just like many of us, I had one when I was a child and I didn't do the best when it came to the little guys' care. ;-; Which makes me sad. BUT also inspires me to do better for my own hamsters now that I'm an adult. Previously, I had my first hamster named Cocoa. She was a Dungarian hamster and she was my world. She was 2.5 years old. I kept her in a 40 gallon breeder with plenty of fluff. (Probably more than 10 inches). Unfortunately, she passed a little while ago and I miss her so much. ;w; I honestly see myself as a hamster mom however, so I made the decision to get another little baby! I just brought her home yesterday. And I know I could always do better for the little hamster so I decided to join this forum! I've been reading a lot of posts, watching videos and everything before I got her. I've done this for my first hamster, but I decided to get a different breed this time around, so I did all the research all over again. Just in case.

So, my brand new hamster is a Syrian named Poptart! She's a sweetheart. I got her yesterday and I'm STRUGGLING to leave her alone. I read that the little hamsters need some time to adjust to the change of environment so I'm trying to leave her alone for at least 2-3 days. SO! I hope I can keep posting here for Poptart. I'm very excited to being a hamster Momma again.
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