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Old 03-09-2024, 06:33 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Sep 2022
Location: Connecticut, USA.
Posts: 13
Unhappy Did my hamster have a stroke?

I just got back from vacation a few days ago. The night I came home, I let my syrian Panda out to run (with supervision as always) and she was normal, running and having fun. Today and yesterday, I noticed she seemed to be slowing down. She didn't want to run like usual, so I just let her sleep. I made sure she had fresh food and water as usual, but she's still the same. Today, she seems worse. I believe she ate, but she seems unlike herself. She is startling at my touch, which is very unusal, and she seems to be unable to move around far without stopping and laying down. I took her out to see if she would want to walk around outside the cage, and it seems like she cannot walk properly. I remembered my old cat who deteriorated very quickly after a stroke and had to be euthanized. I'm doing some research and it seems likely. I don't know to handle this other than try to make her comfortable and give her space since she seems so confused.

For reference, Panda should be nearing the age of 2.
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