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Old 02-01-2024, 10:36 AM  
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Default Re: Advice Please - Breathing funny and very unstable

She does look very unwell. Ears back and hunching like that show she is poorly.
Chest infections are very difficult to clear in hamsters due to the tiny airways and lungs as they get blocked up so easily. Hammies can't cough either to clear it so it sits there.
I would take the shavings out and use just paper bedding and ripped up loo roll. Keep her warm but not hot and provide fluid in a small bowl. Get some babyfood like grandmas chicken dinner to try and tempt her to eat plus some cucumber to help hydration. A small hospital cage is best just now. They usually need the meds for longer than a week if it is a chest problem so you might want to have her checked again by the vet. Was she a pet shop hamster?
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