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Old 01-27-2024, 02:51 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jan 2024
Location: Oregon
Posts: 12
Default Re: Wet tail and when to clean cage

Bardiel has been doing well but might have had the heater on a bit too much as it got very warm. I noticed half the water bottle was gone and the pee corner was soaked. Vets closed on weekends…ugh. I hope it’s just warm and not another health issue. Her pee didn’t smell sweet just noticed tonight how soaked the corner was. I cleaned out the corner and noticed the fruit flies…I’ll let my house cool down and see if she doesn’t drink/pee much. I hope it’s because it got a bit too hot. I just got done with meds 9 days ago I would hate another infection. 3 month old syrian…of course if she drinks a lot (not like she’s drinking for 5 mins or anything) and a soaked corner with the fruit flies kinda got me thinking if she’s got diabetes or kidney/bladder issues. She’ll get into the vets if she still drinks/pees much by Monday even with the cooled down room. Small town not really any emergency vets or I’d take her tomorrow. She peed on a paper towel on my bed and it wasn’t soaked and only normal amount of pee and no funny smell. I think I might have forgotten to clean out the pee corner but still it wasn’t that long ago (2 days ago) and it shouldn’t look like someone spilled water there. I’ll keep an eye on her and get her to the vets Monday morning if I don’t see any improvement on water intake and soaked bathroom area. Fruit flies are under control (also only 3 of them not a swarm I killed them) I’ll post a sticky note on the base of her cage to remember every day to clean it when she’s awake at night.
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