Beginner feeding question
So I picked up Chubbs last night. He came with his tank, hides and toys, water bottle, and some food and bedding. I haven't been out to the store yet as I need to get a bunch of things for him. His wheel is waaaay too small and I want to get some platforms to set food out of bedding and I think I'll also try to find some sand for him. The food that came with him is a brand called Vitakraft, vita smart complete nutrition, natural forage blend. I live in Alberta Canada. It seems like it's got pellets, seeds, corn, peas, oats, alfalfa. It looks quite lovely hahaha I know I need to supplement diet with veggies and fruits as well as protein like insects. I gave him some carrot and cucumber this morning as well as a teeny bit of scrambled egg which he went mad for! He of course loves the sugary carrot and nibbled the cucumber but I don't think he was keen on cucumber. Has anyone had any luck with feeding mealworms? I know I used to get them live for birds and chickens but I can also get them canned (moist but dead for reptiles) and I can find them dried for chickens if those would be safe for a hamster. Thank you for your help! Let me know whether this brand of food is decent or if I should search for different!