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Old 12-26-2023, 07:35 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 119
Default Re: Advice On New Syrian Hamster (male)

as long as he isn't running away, you're definitely on the right track, and he sounds like he's doing normal hamster behaviors which means he's happy.
Does he have an upright standing wheel? I know he's new and you probably haven't had time to buy everything yet, but Syrians require an upright wheel of at least 11 inches.
once you get him all the proper accessories and he has a bit more time to settle, I think you'll see improvements very quickly. It already sounds like he's quite comfortable with you!
keep in mind that some hamsters will never like to be touched or held, even if they like you. My Syrian didn't mind at all when I lifted her out of her cage, or put her back in, she was constantly begging me to take her out to play and she definitely wasn't scared of humans, but she still disliked being held/touched for more than a few seconds at a time. she just didn't have patience to be still!
keep offering treats, and doing what you're doing. There are little things that can help such as putting a tissue in your sleeve for 15 minutes and putting it in the cage, but the biggest thing that will help is giving him some more time to settle. If you still don't see improvement, after a full week, you might want to consider starting the bathtub method but really every hamster is different, and you'll want to pay attention to his body language to make sure he's ready for it
good luck!
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