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Old 12-11-2023, 04:26 AM  
Senior Hamster
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Location: Bedfordshire, UK
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Default Re: Potentially picking up a little boy Syrian tomorrow

Thanks Souffle,

Well...little Horatio came home with me on Friday afternoon!

Apologies for the late update - but since Friday evening I've had a bit of a cold - sore throat and blocked nose - feeling better today.

Because of this, I haven't spent a lot of time with Horatio - as I'm aware he needs to settle, but I also didn't want to give him this cold.

He's still very...I wouldn't say nervous, but cautious - but then I've only had him a couple of days and he's only about 6 weeks old.

I was meant to pick up a slightly older male hamster - but my friend's other hamster (who was a pregnant rescue), had Horatio and his siblings and they had just turned about 6 weeks old.

Horatio seems to be quite a character already - he came out on Saturday night and took a treat from me - but then bolted back into his nest (once he had found it) and didn't come back out until the lights were off - and then I heard him running on his wheel - so guessing he likes that.

Sunday - I didn't see him at all - apart from the top of his head in his nest lol - I put out a spinach leaf for him and it had gone by this morning.

He was awake and nibbling his wooden archway this morning before I left for work - so guessing he's becoming a little more confident.

I'm going to leave it a couple more days - maybe until the end of the week, before I start to try handling him - apart from giving him food, water and tissues with my scent on so he recognises me.

He's only been in my house a couple of days, but he's already captured my heart.

I had a whole list of both Male and Unisex names - but then my Dad suggested Horatio on Tuesday and I can't get the name out of my head - so Horatio it is lol.

Hoping next update to attach a photo - if I can remember my photobucket account password lol.

Mweekie xx

Currently being owned by: Casper (Syrian Hamster) Winnie (cat), Inca (corn snake), Leo (Leopard Gecko), Truffle and Speedy (tarantulas)

Last edited by Mweekie; 12-11-2023 at 04:36 AM.
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