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Old 09-16-2023, 06:02 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Dec 2022
Posts: 11
Default I need help, little sick syria

Good afternoon from Spain,

I write here because I am completely devastated. I have a little Syrian girl, approximately 20 months old, who has been diagnosed with endometriosis. After searching for information on this topic, I read that hamsters do not menstruate and do not suffer from this disease, and thanks to this forum I have come to the conclusion that it is an open pyometra.
She started bleeding five weeks ago, I have given her two different antibacterials and meloxicam for the pain. After finishing the treatment she began to bleed again, small spots every day.
She has not lost weight and is eating, but at night she comes out of her cave less often and runs less on her wheel.

I have three referral vets and none of them want to operate due to their age. I have told them about galastop but none of them know its use in rodents and do not see it as appropriate.
I read here how many hamsters have recovered thanks to galastop and for me it is desperate to want to help my pet and not be able to.
Does anyone have veterinary references that they can provide me with so I can take them to the vets?
If I don't offer my little girl hormonal treatment, what will happen next? can she die soon?
Thank you for reading, I will appreciate any encouraging comments.
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