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Old 09-05-2023, 09:33 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 2
Default Aggressive dwarf hamster?

Hello, was hoping for some advice. One of my dwarf hamsters is a bit odd in that I've had him for about 3 weeks now. I've given him a big enclosure (50 gallon aquarium, so space and cage pacing is not a problem) and plenty of time to adjust. But rather than taking time before getting curious or comfortable with a human hand, he'll just come up and bite.

I've been working on just showing the back of my hand and pulling away to hopefully teach him that he doesn't need to bite, but I've still gotten a fair number of scratches. And he'll definitely go for fingers too. If I wear gloves, he's learned that gloves give treats and has no issue sniffing around and climbing on for food. But human skin/scent? Bite first, possibly run away after.

Has anyone else dealt with aggressive hamsters like this? he's quite young and from a pet store so perhaps he's traumatized from previous handling? He has no issues taking food from my fingers and eating on the spot. And petting him while he's eating is not a problem either.
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