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Old 07-03-2023, 12:48 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jul 2023
Posts: 4
Unhappy New dwarf hamster who's absolutly petrified

Hi, I just got a winter white dwarf hamster (probs a hybrid), and I've been noticing how terrified he is of everything.

I have a 50 gallon tank with 9 inches of bedding, different substrates, chews, multiple different types of hides and a 8.5 inch wheel.

I have only had him for 2 days now and this could just be my anxiety but I've noticed my hamster, Foo's, peculiar routine which consists of him coming out of his corner burrow at around 2am (where he spends his entire day), only about twice in the day and night to eat and drink, not even run on his wheel. He just spends the day and night in a corner burrowed.

My concerns
- I cant spot clean because he never leaves his little den long enough for me too get the soiled bedding.
- He is very unactive and I'm worried he might be so stressed its impacting his daily life.

I got so worried today, the 2nd day, that he was sick or escaped so I moved a bit of the bedding to find where he was, accidently waking him up and sending him into complete panic screaming at me, and I tried having him go on my hand so I can give him a quick observational health check but he was so scared he wouldn't go near me, I tried for about 30 seconds before giving up because of how scared and stressed he was. I really do feel bad and I know I shouldn't have woken him up but I am very concerned for his well being.

Should I wait a couple more weeks to see if he eventually acclimates to his environment or do I bring him to the vet asap?? He is my first hamster btw, I'm very new to this so constructive criticism is preferred.
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