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Old 06-13-2023, 04:29 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: May 2023
Posts: 4
Default Male syrian blood in pee

I have a male Syrian hamster that i got 4 weeks ago from pets at home, saw blood in his toilet hide late last night (looked bad) saw him up and eating but not much more than that however i couldn't keep watch all night with working. Checked the same hide again this morning and more blood but not as bad as the night before. I have checked online and saw its more than likely a UTI i can't get him to the vet until tomorrow morning, will he be ok until then? What is the likely cause? It is lack of water? I don't trust the bottle i don't think he can get enough out of it so i also use a tiny bowl and put water in that, could it be I'm not cleaning his cage properly or something i've given him to eat or play with? I am really struggling with this he's a poor wee soul any help i would be grateful!
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