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Old 05-09-2023, 09:28 AM  
Newborn Pup
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Join Date: May 2023
Location: North Somerset, United Kingdom
Posts: 8
Default Re: constipated hamster only sleeps and refuses to eat or drink

Hi, RVN here!

Her wobbly walking may be due to pain in her abdomen if she’s experiencing constipation.

Without taking her to the vets I can only suggest the following:

- Encourage drinking; if she usually drinks from a bottle, offer it to her instead of waiting for her to go over and drink from it herself or fill a bottle cap with water and leave it outside her hide if she’s lethargic and not really moving around, or you can try syringing her some water if she’ll tolerate it

- Feed treats high in water; cucumber, celery, lettuce, apples and watermelon are good examples - but steady with the fruits as they’ll be higher in sugar

- If you scatter feed, temporarily use a bowl so you can accurately monitor if/how much she eats

- Puppy/kitten milk!

However, I do recommend you take her to the vets as soon as you’re able, especially due to the blood coming from her bottom.
If they felt it necessary, they’d be able to administer subcutaneous fluids or prescribe pain relief and/or medication to help with GI stasis/constipation.

I hope she’s ok and feels better soon, sending lots of snuggles!
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