Thread: Spinning Robo!
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Old 02-13-2023, 10:11 AM  
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Default Re: Spinning Robo!

Robo’s are great if you don’t care about handling them too much. There’re much less likely (in my experience) to be willing to be picked up. In a way I feel like Robos should have a nice big enclosure for this reason as they are much less likely to enjoy time out of it than other hamsters.

The spinning sounds very similar to one of my rescues (Nico Rosberg). He would run backwards and forwards very quickly, repeatedly, like he was stuck in a loop.

You can read a little about him here: Little Niko Rosberg

What worked for me was giving him lots of deep bedding, a very cluttered environment to break up the paths that he would repeat and multiple options for wheels.

He thankfully stopped this behavior quite quickly, I feel like it was because he didn’t have a wheel and didn’t know how else to burn off his energy in the small space he’d been in previously. The deep bedding allowed him to burrow, that seemed like a good way for him to use his energy, until he managed to master his wheels.

Once he managed to break the pattern he was a wonderful little guy, didn’t want to be picked up but wasn’t skittish like he seemed at first, just seemed happy and safe in his enclosure. He did however sleep a lot, fair to say he played hard and slept hard.

Edit: Just saw the photo. Little Jakey looks adorable. Hope he settles into his loving forever home soon.
Hamster dad to Alexander Hamsterton (Robo) and Aaron Furr (Dwarf)
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