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Old 12-06-2022, 07:13 PM  
Hamster Pup
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Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 100
Default Re: Tumor? What to do?

From experience with my past 6 hamsters, sometimes they can live a good long time with a tumor and still act like themselves and do their regular activities for a while. All but one of mine lived well beyond 2 years

I would take into consideration if your hamster has good quality of life and can enjoy things like eating, and if she can do most of her own little normal hamster activities.

They normally get sleepy and slower/less active with age but you can look for body language signs to see if she’s really suffering. My current hamster has rare bad days but seems to feel good and happy for the most part

Biting could be a sign of discomfort but also maybe fear/nervousness leftover from a vet visit I think

I wish you and your hamster the best, and I hope she’s feeling ok
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