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Old 11-18-2022, 06:15 AM  
PM Fluffy for custom title
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 4,545
Default Re: Hi! New owner- hamster stressed need help!

Lab blocks really aren't necessary and will actually be lowering the overall quality of the diet. Yes, they're high protein, but they aren't a high quality source of protein. Stick to just the Higgins Vita Garden. Picky eaters really aren't an issue - keep in mind that some bits left behind will be things like shells of seeds which aren't meant to be eaten anyways which can make it much easier to think they're being picky eaters when they may not even be.

It's also worth mentioning that some hamsters may not eat all their food in a single day either, plus they could be eating more food from their hoard instead of entirely from their bowl. I know not everyone even gives the main diet every single day with hamsters and they're really not the fastest eaters in general especially compared to larger rodents like rats!
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