Thread: Ear cancer?
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Old 10-27-2022, 10:15 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Ear cancer?

He is an amazing age at 2 years 9 months and I agree with the idea of just keeping him comfortable on Metacam. Vets do sometimes prescribe a split dose twice a day rather than a full dose once a day and there is some leeway in the dosage. As long as it's the dose the vet prescribed it's ok. Too high a dose would wreck his kidneys and that could cause suffering too.

I have been at a stage with a hamster where metacam wasn't enough and increasing it wasn't an option (and still probably wouldn't have been enough for cancer pain) and the only option then is to help them on their way.

If he seems happy enough on Metacam then just let him live his life comfortably. It's unpleasant if there's a smell or oozing but the hamster probably isn't too bothered. Metacam itself is supposed to help shrink tumours as well as give anti inflammatory pain relief. It's the equivalent of Ibuprofen for humans so not that strong for severe pain.

You'd need to ask the vet about steroids. Don't give them without vet presription though . Is there an exotic vet in your region?

It seems unlikely it's an allergic reaction or it would be more than one ear. What substrate do you use though? Paper substrate is hypoallergenic. It's usually only wood substrate that causes allergies.
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