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Old 09-19-2022, 11:54 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Diabetic Hamster Food

I think it's still a very healthy food and that can only help with general health. It's organic, apparently developed with vets, and says it's "especially tailored to the needs of dwarf hamsters with a high risk of developing diabetes".

What that means isn't quite clear! But it's possible that the right diet might slow the onset possible (even if, genetically the hamster will get diabetes) or perhaps just allow them to live better with diabetes (ie keep up general health so they can handle the effects better or something).

I have no idea how scientific it is, but they have clearly put some thought into making a hybrid specific food which is probably more suitable than other foods. And also sugar free.

This article says that Inulin from Jerusalem Artichokes alleviates hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar) in high fat diet induced diabetes. Which may not be the same as genetically predisosed diabetes. But I guess anything that helps reduce blood sugar levels may help reduce the severity of diabetes - if that makes sense.

In humans there are two types of diabetes. One can be managed by diet (late onset diabetes, often from fatty or sugary diets or being overweight I think and starts later in life) one needs insulin (a genetic condition I think and usually starts in younger people).

Assume the type in dwarf hamsters is the genetic insulin related one.

Warning - the article used mice to develop findings (ie experimentally).

Reducing blood sugar levels could help in some way but probably wouldn't cure diabetes or prevent a genetic disposition to it (I believe Vectis said insulin did help some hamsters with diabetes).

The diet has to be better than most dwarf hamster diets I guess, and it has good protein levels but I wouldn't expect miracles from it.

Inulin from Jerusalem artichoke tubers alleviates hyperglycaemia in high-fat-diet-induced diabetes mice through the intestinal microflora improvement | British Journal of Nutrition | Cambridge Core

Am now curious to know if dwarf hamsters can get type 2 (diet/late onset) as well as type 1 (insulin related) diabetes.
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