Re: Deep bedding screens for savic plaza
Hi Ria & Serendipity 😊
I guess it would be easy enough to make your own Ria, but it’s a good option if DIY isn’t your thing, I feel a bit past it with DIY these days!
I had visions of chewed cardboard & substrate all over the floor too Serendipity which put me off a bit. I meant to mention that he does them for the mamble & alaska too but forgot.
Slave to Zak.
Always loved, never forgotten, forever in my heart
T'ycor, Ziggy, Zephyr, Flynt, Mickle, Little Whisp, Zen, Zeki, Tinwë, Zylvan, Míriel, Calyanwë, Gusto & Meri ❤️