Thread: Always skinny
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Old 09-06-2022, 04:39 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Dec 2020
Posts: 32
Default Always skinny

I've had a few hamsters now and I try to become a better owner with each one.

A trend I noticed with my hams specifically is they always seem to be on the skinnier side. I feed them often, so I know I'm not starving them. But I'm wondering if the NUTRITION aspect just isn't good.

So here's what I've fed my hams. Let me know where I'm going wrong because I'd like my hams to be plump but healthy.

- KAYTEE® Forti-Diet Pro Health Hamster & Gerbil Food (a tablespoon a day)
- Vitakraft® Drops Hamster Treats (a treat twice weekly)
- Fluker's 5 Star Medley Freeze-Dried Aquatic Turtle Treats (worms/bugs twice weekly as protein supplement)
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