Thread: Heatwave
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Old 07-16-2022, 07:08 AM  
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Default Re: Heatwave

Originally Posted by LunaTheHamster1 View Post
yes i agree, but also a lot of those other countries have air con, or at least got fans etc, when it happens in a country that doesn't normally get these temps we aren't often prepared.
In the southern US, weather outside can be absolutely miserable at times but anything that would go towards 38c(extremely hot and beyond the point where hamsters would be in danger) isn't necessarily a typical thing. Air conditioning does a lot of good though so outside temperatures getting very high don't mean the inside of the houses themselves are so extremely hot.

Even 28c is at the point where I'd be worried for hamsters if I'm honest and you'd really need to find some sort of way to keep temperatures lower just to be completely safe.

Blackout curtains can be a really good investment too for helping to lower temperatures a little. They're still not a perfect solution though especially with extremely high temperatures and I would also do other things on top of having them like at the bare minimum keeping fans running.
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