Thread: Heatwave
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Old 07-16-2022, 06:15 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Heatwave

I shouldn't worry too much. There are members live in non Uk countries that have these kind of temperatures, as the norm in summer. As others say, you're doing what you can.

And they are hardy little things. It's not pleasant for them but if they know they have somewhere to cool off it helps. I think rotating mugs in the fridge and swapping them over is good - then they always have somewhere cold to sit and cool off. It's surprising how quickly the mugs stop being cold! So overnight leaving a bag of frozen peas on top of the cage could help too. Fan is a good idea.

We don't have a fan but live in an older place with stone walls and smallish windows so it doesn't get too hot inside usually. Downstairs at least - upstairs it does.
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