Thread: Meet Cupcake
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Old 07-05-2022, 11:25 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: IL
Posts: 230
Default Re: Meet Cupcake

Thanks so much guys, I love her so much! She's a joy to have.

You're totally right Cloudy, she was mostly in her nest. I just saw her popping up like a submarine a couple of times and thought treats & a little grooming could help. And that little charge in the second video, totally what she was doing xD She knows I understand her signals for alone time, and rightly told me off for being an overeager human.

That said, it's beyond any doubt we have a bond! I'm home sick from work today, and woke up later than usual. Cupcake was slowly creeping around our together corner, looking for me. This seems to be when she really wants to spend quality time together, I guess it's a hamster version of a late movie before her bedtime.

It's a bit of a conundrum, I'm usually up and gone hours before for work during the week. Cupcake is signaling she wants more out of the bin time, in particular she really wants to explore me and figure out what I am. She was climbing up my arm a ton, and really got interested when I leaned my face a bit closer. Stood up and gave me a good look and sniff. I'm going to spruce up my room and hamster proof it, see if some time flopped out on the bed works for her. It's pretty low to the ground, and the carpet's rather soft. She should be able to climb back up come to think of it.

Here's our little morning time, we played a bit after this video too. I prodded at her toys and got her going at them. I pretend to try to solve it with her.

Cupcake Bonds, 10%
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