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Old 07-02-2022, 01:05 PM  
Hamster Pup
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Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 55
Default Hamster losing weight

We regularly weigh our lovely hammy and I noticed yesterday that she felt a bit bonier than usual. I weighed her and she was 10g less than her usual weight. I weighed her again tonight and she’d lost another 5g. She is given plenty of food every day and has a stash in her tube so access to food is not an issue.

I haven’t noticed any other unusual behaviour except that yesterday she was falling asleep on her ledge, which she doesn’t usually do. She had been out of her cage for an hour though while I cleaned her out, so might have been tired. Other than that she is active and alert, ears are pricked up and no hunching or diarrhoea.

Would you take her to the vet for weight loss alone or monitor the situation and take her if any other symptoms developed? Our previous hamster died of an intestinal issue and weight loss was an early symptom but there were others, like sleeping excessively and ears down. Any advice would be appreciated.
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