Thread: Meet Cupcake
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Old 07-01-2022, 10:19 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: IL
Posts: 230
Default Re: Meet Cupcake

Her previous owner did have the same model of comfort wheel, just in yellow. But mine does seem to have a little less resistance than her old one from how I have the clamp set. She gets a bit high up there and LOVES it A lot of the time she bursts into little sprints.

That's reassuring Ria, and thank you! We will have to see how she progresses, she likes to have about 3-5 minutes of human time in a single go. That time she emptied her cheeks was a good 7 or 8 minutes.

Today Cupcake's personality is coming out more. She moved her above ground tunnel so it's a direct path from the food to the wheel overnight. She slept in a bit, and we had a few small interactions later than normal. But the first one was a doozy xD

She munched on seeds on my hand for a few minutes and did explore more of my wrist & arm with some nibbles. Then she ran out of seeds and gave me two of her firmer nibbles. I let my hand sit there, and she stormed off to the sand bath and rolled a good three times. Then she came back, nibbled again, and went into her castle. If I didn't know better, I'd say she was trying to bully me into more treats, then telling me my hands were dirty when she didn't get her way xD I wish I filmed it, but she already put up with me taking her contest closeup.

We had a few minutes of together time later, and she had a second go on the hand. She is starting to look for me a bit, and chirped for me a couple of times. She isn't afraid to tell me off either, and when she wants alone time is pretty clear with a click.

It's still early, and she's still young too. Cupcake does seem a bit solitary, and does like human time but doesn't crave it. I'm slowing down taming a bit, she was clearly taken care of and handled a bit, but some other things like walking past her bin and such she isnt used to.

20 seconds of rolling
Chilling and Choosing

Last edited by ilguy; 07-01-2022 at 10:24 PM.
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