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Old 06-22-2022, 04:26 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 119
Default hamster nails keep growing

so, I noticed something weird with dwarf hamster Dusty. I'm pretty sure he's a Campbells but he can also be a hybrid mix of winter white and Campbells. anyways, his nails are constantly growing, and they never seem to wear down!
when I first got him several months ago, i noticed they were pretty long but I left it. about a month ago it was getting to the point where they were getting curly, so I gathered up the courage, and cut them
I have a lot of experience with cutting guinea pigs' nails, but this was my 1st time doing a hamster! it was a struggle, but manageable as he's a very tame hamster.
but recently I noticed that they got very long again and are starting to curl! he has a lot of things in his cage that should be wearing them down, but they just aren't. I don't have this problem with any of my other 3 hamsters, although none are this breed.
so I was wondering... is there any type of disorder that causes nails to grow faster than usual? does this mean his teeth also grow too fast? he doesn't have any issues eating so I'm assuming they're okay for now....
should I just keep cutting them once a month?
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